• modulo operatorio dutante il terremoto

    Sending a pediatric mobile in Kashmir after the earthquake (Pakistan)

    A pediatric mobile was donated by the National Alpine ANA to give a little help to the 4 million homeless people.

  • Micro-entrepreneurship project “Love Scarves” (Tunisia)

    Micro-entrepreneurship project “Love Scarves” (Tunisia)

    A little crochet that we produce with tunisian women, a scarf called "The scarf of love"

  • Dhi Qar

    Purification of water in the province of Dhi Qar (Iraq)

    A watermaker-purification system was delivered to the province of Dhi Qar and this will increase the water supply of some villages already started in 2004.

  • Sostegno famiglie

    Support for families after Tsunami (Srilanka)

    Economic support for families after Tsunami in Batticaloa district

  • Nassi

    Project Literacy for women in Nassyria (Iraq)

    Providing literacy instruction to 15 adult women of Thi Qar province

  • Pratheepa

    Arm reconstruction to a former girl soldier (Srilanka)

    We rebuild the arm of Pratheepa a former girl soldier

  • Cardiochirurgia

    Pediatric cardiac surgery in the West Bank (Palestine)

    Get cardiac surgery for 15 children with congenital heart diseases in Al Makassed Hospital

  • La scuola per la Siria

    School for Syria

    @uxilia activated correspondance among children of Atma Camp and children of italian school

  • Kabgayi

    Sending medical supplies and an ambulance to the Hospital of Kabgayi (Africa)

    @uxilia has donated an ambulance and medical supplies to the Hospital of Kabgayi

  • leishmaniosi

    Leishmaniasis Project (Afghanistan)

    Together with tha group Cimic many medical examinations were performed to treat leishmaniasis.

  • Support to the children of Pannipitya

    Support to the children of Pannipitya (Srilanka)

    @uxilia provided for the collection and delivery of 35 boxes of toys for 70 children imprisoned in Pannipitiya

  • VTC

    Vocational Training Center (Srilanka)

    Building the Vocational Training Center for the recovery of former child soldiers and their mothers

  • Convogli umanitari

    Dispatching of humanitarian convoys to the Atma camp (Syria)

    @uxilia send humanitarian convoys that reach the interior of the country for relieve the suffering of children

  • Invio di materiale didattico

    Sending of teaching materials (Syria)

    @uxilia send teaching materials to children of Atma

  • Scolarizzazione Atma

    Project Schooling of children of Atma (Syria)

    Building of a school for 500 children in Atma Camp

  • Somalia

    Treatment of Malaria (Africa)

    An ambulance, an ultrasound and a load of drugs were delivered to a group of volunteers from Pescara heading to Mogadishu.

  • Sostegno a Fiorello

    Support to Fiorello 

    Fiorello, swiss children suffers of SMA1, today is alive thanks to @uxilia

  • Progetto di Microimprenditoria

    Micro-entrepreneurship project “Love Scarves” (Serbia)

    A little crochet that we produce with serbian women, a scarf called "The scarf of love"

  • Sciarpe dell'Amore

    Micro-entrepreneurship project “Love Scarves” (Syria)

    A little crochet that we produce with syrian women, a scarf called "The scarf of love"

  • Herat

    Delivery of clothes and other materials to the orphanages in Herat (Afghanistan)

    Distribution of 76 boxes containing two and a half tons of clothes, shoes, blankets, sheets, toys, teaching and sanitary materials donated by Spes.

  • Baghlan

    Delivery of sanitary equipment for the Baghlan Hospital (Afghanistan)

    We have provided sanitary equipment for the Baghlan Hospital, in cooperation with NGO AISPO and Italian Cooperation

  • Bambini abusati

    Reporting abuse minor (Srilanka)

    @uxilia with Italian Cooperation are preparing a feasibility study to help children victim of abuse

  • Selezione bambini

    Treatmen of children with orthopedic problems (Palestine)

    Selection in all countries of the West Bank children with orthopedic problems in order to define the proper medical or surgical treatment in loco or in California.

  • Atma

    Children of Atma (Syria)

    Sebastiano Nino Fezza and @uxilia start an enterprise for the children of Atma

  • barche

    Tsunami Recovery: buying boats to fishermen in Trincomalee (Srilanka)

    The Province of Udine donate 12.000 euros to buy the the boats destroyed by the Tsunami

  • Smile Again

    Support to “Smile Again” (Pakistan)

    @uxilia helps “Smile Again FVG” looking for funds in order to provide medical support to girls with scars on face and body caused by acid.

  • Allestimento di strutture sanitarie

    Project establishment, construction and management of first aid centers in the region of Idlib, Aleppo and Hazzano (Syria)

    A first aid center were establishment in Hazzano and medical center in Idlib

  • House of Flowers

    Restructuring of the House of Flowers orphanage in Kabul (Afghanistan)

    @uxilia gave help to the House of Flowers orphanage with a donation of 12.000 euros, partially granted by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.

  • Parwan

    Rennovation of Parwan orphanage (Afghanistan)

    Renovation of Charikar orphanage, in collaboration with the Italian Red Cross

  • Reinsediamento di 23 famiglie a Batticaloa

    Emergency flood: the resettlement of 23 families in the Batticaloa district (Srilanka)

    The 23 families received rations to support and were sent to the resettlement.

  • Kit scuola

    School Supplies (Srilanka)

    Sending school supplies to six schools in Batticaloa

  • Sostenere l'avviamento imprenditoriale

    Supporting women’s enterprise start-up in Madras (India)

    This project aimed to support local youth and women’s enterprise start-up

  • Scarpe ortopediche

    Delivery of orthopaedic footwear for prothesis to the physiotherpy and rehabilitation Center of Alberto Cairo (Afghanistan)

    @uxilia bought 3.000 pairs of orthopaedic shoes fitting orthopaedic prothesis

  • Ain el Helweh

    Distribution of drugs to the Palestinian camp of Ain el Helweh (Lebanon)

    Our project aims to give these children an alternative life through education and to alleviate as much as possible the suffering of those who have a treatable illness

  • Orfanotrofio Allahuddin di Kabul

    Rebuilding of the Allahuddin orphanage in Kabul (Afghanistan)

    We financed the reconstruction of the kitchen in the Allahuddin orphanage of Kabul and we equipped medicines against leishmaniosis.

  • Batticaloa

    Tsunami Recovery: Sending food supply to Batticaloa (Srilanka)

    Sending food and powdered milk in the northeast of the island, Batticaloa area

  • Due nuove scuole a Batticaloa

    Two news school in Batticaloa (Srilanka)

    Renovation of a school for children and building a new school in the town of Batticaloa

  • Sostegno a Sarah

    Support to Sarah (Syria)

    @uxilia allowed the little Sarah to leave her country and receveing appropriate surgery

  • Divise calcio

    Delivery of football uniforms for the orphanages’ championship (Afghanistan)

    The dyalisis ward from the Cividale del Friuli hospital provided football uniforms for children in Kabul orphanages

  • Scuola per l'infanzia

    Construction of new schools for the children of the districts of Batticaloa, Charity and Mamallapuram (Srilanka)

    Funded the renovation of a school for children thanks to 20.000 euros collected by pharmacists in Trieste

  • Sostegno a Sofia

    Support to Sofia (Ukraine)

    Thanks to @uxilia Sofia, who suffers from acute lymphoblastic leukemia Ph+, is receiving adequate medical treatment

  • Kumar

    Renovation of Father Kumar’s Catholic school (India)

    @uxilia, in cooperation with SPES, financed the rebuilding of the Catholic “St. Mary’s School” in Mamallapuran after the Tsunami

  • Microcredito

    Development of activities of micro-entrepreneurship among women (Srilanka)

    Training course to strenghten the ability and professional skills of women for the activities of micro-entrepreneurship

  • Avamposto 55

    Hospital Outpost 55 (Africa)

    Construction of a first aid ambulatory with twenty beds, two schools and a multiethnic center.

  • Mozambico

    Antiviral treatment of AIDS in pregnant women (Africa)

    8500 euros have been donated for anti-retroviral drugs in the therapy of the Dream project a figure that has allowed us to treat the mother suffering from HIV and save the child.

  • Luce a Khowst

    Let us bring light in Khowst (Afghanistan)

    10 photovoltaic systems were delivered in order to provide lighting to for the village of Kaijree in cooperation with SPES and the Cimic group
  • Al Mansour

    Supply of medicines and salaries to medical and paramedical staff of the Hospital Al Mansour (Iraq)

    @uxilia, in cooperation with SPES, has provided first aid at Al Mansour through the supply of medicines and the payment of salaries to the medical and paramedical staff

Humanitarian Aid Svilajnac

10363846 683327035038517 4040182930695050064 n

10361340 683051365066084 3053338022724519442 n











Beneficiaries: Flood victims in the town of Svilajnac

Cities / Regions involved: Svilajnac

Period: May 2014

Project Status: Ongoing

@uxilia Italy responds to the call for help from the Red Cross of Serbia for the town of Svilajnac hit by flooding. On May 31, a truck arrived with 7 tons of relief goods for the population and was intended to restore essential services such as health clinics and schools. The aid included mattresses, furniture, refrigerator for medicine, blankets, cleaning products, cleaning equipment, paramedic supplies for the health clinic, clothing, shoes and toys to help bring Svilajnac back to normalcy.



Preparation of the convoy



The arrival of the convoy in Svilajnac


Humanitarian Aid Tesanj

10325618 678626888841865 6378178678841903402 n

10363696 678115135559707 7190848288872950183 n











Beneficiaries: Flood victims of Tesanj

Cities / Regions involved: Tesanj, Bosnia

Period: May 2014

Project Status: Ongoing

@uxilia Italy delivered, with the help of Udruženje BiH of Trieste, needed assistance to Tesanj in Bosnia.



Preparation of the convoy



The arrival of the convoy in Tesanj


Medical and sanitary equipment sent to bosnian hospital

10277472 678112455559975 4713723864474204380 n

 10277806 678112492226638 4128420090995800990 n










Beneficiaries: Psychiatric Hospital of Modriča

Cities / Regions involved: Modriča, Bosnia & Hercegovina

Period: May 2014

Source of funding: Serbian Orthodox Religious Community of Trieste

Project Status: Finished

@uxilia with the collaboration of "No bombs but only candy" and with the financial support of the "Serbian Orthodox Religious Community of Trieste" sent the psychiatric hospital of Modriča beds and furniture.




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