Situation in the country

Capital: Mogadishu.
Area: 637.657 km²
Population: 10.251.568.
Ethnicities: 95% Somalis, other minority groups: Bantu, Arabs, Indians, Pakistanis, Europeans.
Religion: 99% Muslims.
Infant mortality rate: 104 per thousand.
Life expectancy: 48,2 years old (46,9 males; 49,4 females).
Literacy: 37,8 %.
Population below poverty line: 73 %.

The Federal Republic of Somalia is an Eastern African Country (more specifically located in the so called Horn of Africa). Its capital city is Mogadishu. It borders to the north with Gibuti, to the West with Ethiopia and to the South-West with Kenya, it overlooks the Gulf of Aden to the north and is washed by the Indian Ocean to the South-East. This country is mainly flat or marked by plateaus, the climate id dry with periodic monsoons and erratic rainfalls.

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