• Progetto di Microimprenditoria

    Micro-entrepreneurship project “Love Scarves” (Serbia)

    A little crochet that we produce with serbian women, a scarf called "The scarf of love"

  • Scuola per l'infanzia

    Construction of new schools for the children of the districts of Batticaloa, Charity and Mamallapuram (Srilanka)

    Funded the renovation of a school for children thanks to 20.000 euros collected by pharmacists in Trieste

  • Support to the children of Pannipitya

    Support to the children of Pannipitya (Srilanka)

    @uxilia provided for the collection and delivery of 35 boxes of toys for 70 children imprisoned in Pannipitiya

  • Ain el Helweh

    Distribution of drugs to the Palestinian camp of Ain el Helweh (Lebanon)

    Our project aims to give these children an alternative life through education and to alleviate as much as possible the suffering of those who have a treatable illness

  • Sciarpe dell'Amore

    Micro-entrepreneurship project “Love Scarves” (Syria)

    A little crochet that we produce with syrian women, a scarf called "The scarf of love"

  • Nassi

    Project Literacy for women in Nassyria (Iraq)

    Providing literacy instruction to 15 adult women of Thi Qar province

  • Allestimento di strutture sanitarie

    Project establishment, construction and management of first aid centers in the region of Idlib, Aleppo and Hazzano (Syria)

    A first aid center were establishment in Hazzano and medical center in Idlib

  • Somalia

    Treatment of Malaria (Africa)

    An ambulance, an ultrasound and a load of drugs were delivered to a group of volunteers from Pescara heading to Mogadishu.

  • Batticaloa

    Tsunami Recovery: Sending food supply to Batticaloa (Srilanka)

    Sending food and powdered milk in the northeast of the island, Batticaloa area

  • Kabgayi

    Sending medical supplies and an ambulance to the Hospital of Kabgayi (Africa)

    @uxilia has donated an ambulance and medical supplies to the Hospital of Kabgayi

  • Mozambico

    Antiviral treatment of AIDS in pregnant women (Africa)

    8500 euros have been donated for anti-retroviral drugs in the therapy of the Dream project a figure that has allowed us to treat the mother suffering from HIV and save the child.

  • Microcredito

    Development of activities of micro-entrepreneurship among women (Srilanka)

    Training course to strenghten the ability and professional skills of women for the activities of micro-entrepreneurship

  • Divise calcio

    Delivery of football uniforms for the orphanages’ championship (Afghanistan)

    The dyalisis ward from the Cividale del Friuli hospital provided football uniforms for children in Kabul orphanages

  • Scolarizzazione Atma

    Project Schooling of children of Atma (Syria)

    Building of a school for 500 children in Atma Camp

  • Sostegno a Fiorello

    Support to Fiorello 

    Fiorello, swiss children suffers of SMA1, today is alive thanks to @uxilia

  • Al Mansour

    Supply of medicines and salaries to medical and paramedical staff of the Hospital Al Mansour (Iraq)

    @uxilia, in cooperation with SPES, has provided first aid at Al Mansour through the supply of medicines and the payment of salaries to the medical and paramedical staff

  • Orfanotrofio Allahuddin di Kabul

    Rebuilding of the Allahuddin orphanage in Kabul (Afghanistan)

    We financed the reconstruction of the kitchen in the Allahuddin orphanage of Kabul and we equipped medicines against leishmaniosis.

  • Micro-entrepreneurship project “Love Scarves” (Tunisia)

    Micro-entrepreneurship project “Love Scarves” (Tunisia)

    A little crochet that we produce with tunisian women, a scarf called "The scarf of love"

  • Herat

    Delivery of clothes and other materials to the orphanages in Herat (Afghanistan)

    Distribution of 76 boxes containing two and a half tons of clothes, shoes, blankets, sheets, toys, teaching and sanitary materials donated by Spes.

  • Smile Again

    Support to “Smile Again” (Pakistan)

    @uxilia helps “Smile Again FVG” looking for funds in order to provide medical support to girls with scars on face and body caused by acid.

  • La scuola per la Siria

    School for Syria

    @uxilia activated correspondance among children of Atma Camp and children of italian school

  • barche

    Tsunami Recovery: buying boats to fishermen in Trincomalee (Srilanka)

    The Province of Udine donate 12.000 euros to buy the the boats destroyed by the Tsunami

  • Dhi Qar

    Purification of water in the province of Dhi Qar (Iraq)

    A watermaker-purification system was delivered to the province of Dhi Qar and this will increase the water supply of some villages already started in 2004.

  • Baghlan

    Delivery of sanitary equipment for the Baghlan Hospital (Afghanistan)

    We have provided sanitary equipment for the Baghlan Hospital, in cooperation with NGO AISPO and Italian Cooperation

  • Bambini abusati

    Reporting abuse minor (Srilanka)

    @uxilia with Italian Cooperation are preparing a feasibility study to help children victim of abuse

  • Luce a Khowst

    Let us bring light in Khowst (Afghanistan)

    10 photovoltaic systems were delivered in order to provide lighting to for the village of Kaijree in cooperation with SPES and the Cimic group
  • Selezione bambini

    Treatmen of children with orthopedic problems (Palestine)

    Selection in all countries of the West Bank children with orthopedic problems in order to define the proper medical or surgical treatment in loco or in California.

  • Avamposto 55

    Hospital Outpost 55 (Africa)

    Construction of a first aid ambulatory with twenty beds, two schools and a multiethnic center.

  • Convogli umanitari

    Dispatching of humanitarian convoys to the Atma camp (Syria)

    @uxilia send humanitarian convoys that reach the interior of the country for relieve the suffering of children

  • Cardiochirurgia

    Pediatric cardiac surgery in the West Bank (Palestine)

    Get cardiac surgery for 15 children with congenital heart diseases in Al Makassed Hospital

  • Sostegno a Sofia

    Support to Sofia (Ukraine)

    Thanks to @uxilia Sofia, who suffers from acute lymphoblastic leukemia Ph+, is receiving adequate medical treatment

  • Sostegno a Sarah

    Support to Sarah (Syria)

    @uxilia allowed the little Sarah to leave her country and receveing appropriate surgery

  • Invio di materiale didattico

    Sending of teaching materials (Syria)

    @uxilia send teaching materials to children of Atma

  • leishmaniosi

    Leishmaniasis Project (Afghanistan)

    Together with tha group Cimic many medical examinations were performed to treat leishmaniasis.

  • Sostenere l'avviamento imprenditoriale

    Supporting women’s enterprise start-up in Madras (India)

    This project aimed to support local youth and women’s enterprise start-up

  • Sostegno famiglie

    Support for families after Tsunami (Srilanka)

    Economic support for families after Tsunami in Batticaloa district

  • House of Flowers

    Restructuring of the House of Flowers orphanage in Kabul (Afghanistan)

    @uxilia gave help to the House of Flowers orphanage with a donation of 12.000 euros, partially granted by the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.

  • Parwan

    Rennovation of Parwan orphanage (Afghanistan)

    Renovation of Charikar orphanage, in collaboration with the Italian Red Cross

  • Reinsediamento di 23 famiglie a Batticaloa

    Emergency flood: the resettlement of 23 families in the Batticaloa district (Srilanka)

    The 23 families received rations to support and were sent to the resettlement.

  • Pratheepa

    Arm reconstruction to a former girl soldier (Srilanka)

    We rebuild the arm of Pratheepa a former girl soldier

  • modulo operatorio dutante il terremoto

    Sending a pediatric mobile in Kashmir after the earthquake (Pakistan)

    A pediatric mobile was donated by the National Alpine ANA to give a little help to the 4 million homeless people.

  • Atma

    Children of Atma (Syria)

    Sebastiano Nino Fezza and @uxilia start an enterprise for the children of Atma

  • Kumar

    Renovation of Father Kumar’s Catholic school (India)

    @uxilia, in cooperation with SPES, financed the rebuilding of the Catholic “St. Mary’s School” in Mamallapuran after the Tsunami

  • Scarpe ortopediche

    Delivery of orthopaedic footwear for prothesis to the physiotherpy and rehabilitation Center of Alberto Cairo (Afghanistan)

    @uxilia bought 3.000 pairs of orthopaedic shoes fitting orthopaedic prothesis

  • VTC

    Vocational Training Center (Srilanka)

    Building the Vocational Training Center for the recovery of former child soldiers and their mothers

  • Kit scuola

    School Supplies (Srilanka)

    Sending school supplies to six schools in Batticaloa

  • Due nuove scuole a Batticaloa

    Two news school in Batticaloa (Srilanka)

    Renovation of a school for children and building a new school in the town of Batticaloa

Project establishment, construction and management of first aid centers in the region of Idlib, Aleppo and Hazzano

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Beneficiaries: People of Idlib, Aleppo and Hazzano

Cities / Regions involved: Regions of Idlib, Aleppo and Hazzano

Period: 2013 - 2015

Sources of funding: Maram Foundation, Donations

Total cost: more than 28.500 euros

Project Status: close

After careful assessment of the civilians situation we focused our activities on the creation of first aid facilities in areas affected by heavy bombing and refugee flows. The activities were carried out with a careful study of the area and its precariousness. Through the cooperation with Maram Foundation and the support of the local population we were activated 4 medical centers.

The medical supplies was sent with health convoys departed from Trieste and recovered material disposed of the Italian health care companies. The point of first aid also works as a pharmacy with medicines that are donated by pharmaceutical companies. The distribution center of Reyhanli is responsible for supplying the first aid center of Hazzano according to their needs, it reports the problem to @uxilia in Italy to which we are face with the sending of humanitarian convoys.



Bustan El Kuser Aleppo

 Clinic in Ma'arrat Chelf

First aid center of Al-Quarassi

Hospital in Abu Al-Dhuhour 

Supply of materials and medicines to the first aid center in Aleppo

Supply of medical centers


Central storage and distribution of goods in Reyhanli

Supply of medicines and health centers to hospital Red Crescent Societies (Sarmeen)




The inhabitants of Altareb thank all the volunteers with a video

Support to Sarah

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Beneficiaries: Sarah

Cities / Regions involved: Syria - Lombardia

Period: December 2013

Sources of funding: Regione Lombardia, Private donations

Total cost: 35.000 euros

Project Status: concluded

Sarah is a 14-month baby suffering of heart problems (tetralogy of Fallot with two faults in combination: a large ventricular septal defect associated with severe pulmonary stenosis that caused cyanosis incompatible with life). She was brought to the attention of @ uxilia by Steve Sosebee, CEO of PCRF. Sarah is a Syrian national unable to obtain a passport because displaced with her parents in Jordan due to the war. Sarah has only one registration document issued by UNHCR, which does not allow her to travel abroad. Thanks to the diplomatic work done by @uxilia and thanks to the subsequent intervention of Queen Rania of Jordan, Sarah could leave Jordan with a foreign travel document in order to get a surgery in the Hospital of Bergamo. The surgery was performed by Dr. Giancarlo Crupi, a friend and associate of the @uxilia . The surgery was successful and Sarah could go back to Jordan in December 2013.



Project Schooling of Children of Atma

Scol 3

L 7











Beneficiaries: Children of Atma 

Cities / Regions involved: Atma

Period: august 2013 - october 2013

Sources of funding: Maram Foundation

Total cost: more than 5.500 euros

Project Status: ongoing

In the refugee camp of Atma live about 12.000 children from the region of Idlib and Aleppo. The camp is located on Syrian territory 20 km from Bab al Hawa and it has been extended spontaneously. There are no international associations, there was no school. With the intervention of psychologists we have assessed the situation of children and their hardships. The psychological trauma are reflected in fear of interacting with peers, fear of the dark, violent games or imitating adults (stage funerals, build weapons and war games, etc.). We have provided for a census of school-age children and it was decided to equip the refugee camp of a school building in order to distract them from the situation and engage them in the study. We have built a school for 500 children in collaboration with Maram Foundation, local teachers were found staying in the camp and we transform them by passive persons in active persons. We have also distributed 5.000 pairs of shoes to children of Atma who walked barefoot.



To stop the sense of abandonment of syrian children we have developed an initiative with the involvement of Italian children. We have set up an correspondance between the children of the camp and the children of the Italian schools. To ecourage the intercultural exchange, the letters are translated into Arabic by the children of the Islamic Center of Trieste. The "postman @ uxilia" leaves with any humanitarian convoy.


All the necessary materials for a year of study was sent with a humanitarian convoy in the camp of Atma. For children who did not want to participate in school activities we have prepared a parallel program that still allows an approach to the school. One of the difficulties we faced was related to textbooks. We were recovered textbooks in accordance with the Syrian educational program and we had reprinted them in Turkey in order to provide education in conformity. In addition to the educational materials we sent numerous toys and prizes for the most deserving children.



Dawn in Syria: professional training, mediation and reconciliation













Beneficiaries: Refugees community in Atma Camp, children victims of war in Siria, local comunity in syrian territory, local comunity in turkish territory

Cities / Regions involved: Syria

Period: January 2015 - ongoing

Source of funding: Region Friuli Venezia Giulia

Total cost: 40.000 euros

Project status: ongoing

Due to the tragic and continuous battles in the north-west of Syria, thousands of families moved to the Atma area, which is close to the Turkish crossing border at Bab Al-Hawa. Atma represents the biggest refugee camp of the area and by now it hosts about 15.000 people, that’s also why many Syrians preferred to go to Turkey, in several towns, like Gaziantep and Reyhanli. The situation of refugee women is very delicate. Most of them are widows with dependent children and need a psycho-social support for war traumas and also a specific professional training and literacy courses in order to become independent in their livelihoods and in that of their families in their new living environment. The information about the origins of these people are very few. Hardships and violence suffered by children in Syria, a part from death, are: evacuations, abuses, lack of education and of spaces for playing, malnutrition and disease. All of this contributes to the worsening of depression and post traumatic disorders (PTSD stress) in the youngest. Of the 9 million Syrians displaced persons and refugees 3 million are children (NPR October 2013). Since the beginning of the conflict, mora than 4000 schools have been transformed in shelters and warehouses for storage of humanitarian aid. According to UNICEF, 2.8 million children abandoned school (UNICEF: Infographic: Syrian Children Under Siege, March 2014). Some neighbouring countries, such as Turkey, created classes that welcome also children fleeing from the conflict and now living there. The difficulties raised by teachers and administrations are deep, cause mostly by the classes overcrowding (more than 40 children for each class) and by the behavioural disorders in those children coming from war experiences. 3 out of 4 children who have reached Turkey, lost at least one parent. More than 8.000 children fled in other countries by themselves. Their experience makes them exponentially more at risk of becoming part of criminal organizations

Or of expressing their traumas with violent and conflicting attitudes. That’s why it is so important to promptly intervene for the treatment of PTSD, by training a competent staff, able to relate to the victims of a complex problem, rose in a context connected to extraordinary events. Nowadays, the main helps coming from ONG and other bodies are essentially emergency response activities, based of primal needs, but with an almost total lack of activities aiming to children’s psychological recovery, which is essential if we don’t want an entire generation to be completely exposed to further risks of delinquency and marginalization. Furthermore, precarious social conditions and the psychological fragility caused by the war make the civilians

victims of manipulation and blackmail. In a war context, characterized by the presence of opposing factions and deeply divergent interests, but also in the shelters and refugee camps, it is of crucial importance to have some figures as mediators and facilitators who have diplomatic skills and can manage complex situations, from daily context up to the highest levels of social and politic relationships. Who negotiates must

know not only the cultures of related parties but also laws and social rules. Also in this case, the project developed a training activity which could provide the basic tools for relations and conflicts management, keeping in mind that in a community such as the Syrian one in Turkey, one must know and remember the costumes both of the place of origin and the place of arrival of people, the Turkish law, the Syrian one, Islamic law regulations and the mandatory international standards. So it is clear how important it is to train people, in these communities, who can operate in the field of mediation, both by targeted courses and RPGs, people who will be able to became crucial representatives and core figures in the peace and reconstruction process.



Aurora in Syria project developed some training courses focusing on the Syrian refugees community in Atma Camp (Syria) and in Gaziantep and Reyhanli (south-western Turkey, close to the Syrian border). The activities took place in Al Bayti orphanage in Reyhanli, run by Maram Foundation and hosting about 60 children (orphans or fatherless) and represents a meeting place for the mothers of the kids and other woman, mostly widows. Different courses have been realized, both for trainers and directly for women.

The activities and their beneficiaries are the following:
A training courses for trainers in the fields of Mediation, Political negotiation, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), tailoring and handcraft knitting
Professional training in tailoring and knitting for 150 refugee woman of Atma's refugee camp, between 15 and 50 years old, with or without previous experience in the field (specifically: widows in charge of the family, abused women, illiterate women and women with disabilities).
Trainings in the field of mediation and political negotiation for 20 doctors, paramedics and educators for basic mediation techniques and for 20 doctors or educators chosen as possible political negotiators between the conflicting parties.
Psychological training in PTSD for 10 doctors, 10 educators and 10 psychologist.
The goal was to develop, thanks to the trained subjects, an action on the whole community, so on the indirect beneficiaries:
Refugees of the Idlib area
Women and children victim of the war in Syria
The local communities in the Syrian territory and the local communities in the Turkish territory mentioned above.
Specific objectives:
Traings in microenterprise for women
Acquisition of social, organizational and professional skill, favouring the launch of income generating activities by those women involved in the project.
Professional development for start-ups and inclusion in local companies.
Training in the field of PTSD
Improvement of the healt-care and social-care staff’s skills to cure and psychological rehabilitate the minors victims of the traumas caused by the conflict.
Training in conflict mediation
Promotion of the direct involvement of local communities in activities of mediation and reconciliation



Activity 1
Selection of personnel to train the beneficiaries. The trainers have been chosen together with Maram Foundation among local experts in the different fields of the project. To choose them, the Department of Life Sciences (Psychology Unit) of the University of Trieste, also used psychometric tools to measure the orientation towards religion and the dysfunctional states of mood of the candidates. The selected candidates followed some seminaries held by international experts and @uxilia’s and Maram’s experts.
The collection of these data showed a high level of education among young people in the region. The selection was made taking into account the scores obtained in the two tests, about religion and mood, and the candidates who did not obtain high results in the test about orientation towards religion and who had average scores in the other test were privileged.
20 tests were distributed
4 local trainers were selected (2 women and 2 man)
Employment of refugees in the area as trainers for training courses
Increase of the activity of local collaborators
Activity 2
Selection of women, trainers and medical staff who benefited from the courses listed above. The users have been found thanks to Maram Foundation’s database.
50 people involved in the selections.
30 people invited to the training.
Activity 3
Planning and organization of training courses
preparation of the location in Al Beyti orphanage in Reyhanli, were the courses took place. The choice of the location had been due to following reasons:
Area with a high concentration of refugees
Possibility of training in the orphanage structure
The location chosen encouraged the easy access of participants. Also operators of regional facilities that treat PTSD were involved. In the region there are few initiatives of this kind. The orphanage children were indirect beneficiaries because they were involved in some training activities and the goods that had been purchased for the courses were then left to the orphanage disposal.
Activity 4
Training courses managed and taught  by trainers and PhD students of Trieste University, who collaborated to the training of health workers about PTDS and to the training of other specific operators about psychological aspects of mediation and negotiation processes.
The team of experts gave its contribution and expressed opinions about possible implementations or revisions of the main textbooks (about PTSD, Negotiation, Mediation…) created by international agencies.
A lot of space was given to the use of ICT, both in the preliminary phase and in the project implementation, for example whit the use of multimedia platforms, cloud storage softwares and “on line training” FAD – Skype.
The training courses showed a great need of refresher courses for the refugees of the area.
Collection of evidence relating to refugee children in the region.
Collection of evidence relating to the status of women in the region.
Activity 5
Tailoring course
Purchase of tools and materials
Training about: creating base patterns, transformation of patterns, placement on cloth for cuts, creation of a prototype, ironing techniques, control and finishing the garment, creation of the complete garment.
Knitting course
Purchase of tools and materials
training about: knitting needles characteristics and use, processing techniques, creation of a scarf.
“Female Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice” course
Training about: basics for the development of a craft business, information about financial management, The concept of craftsmanship and social cooperative atelier, presentation of the business activities in the region, case study of a business start-up, organization of a trade fair for the crafts that had been realized.
Independent production of knitwear and tailoring products. Creation of 4 new women's community centers in Syria.
Activation of small forms of trade linked to these craft activities that guarantee
income generation
Demonstrations of traditional crafts from the Regional project in local Italian contexts (ex.: Christmas market in Trieste)
Organization of an exhibition at the orphanage Al Bayti of Reyhanli on the occasion of Women's Day on the 8th of March 2016.
Activity 6
Training of educators, doctors, paramedics and psychologists
Theoretical training:
Basics of child psychology
Psychological treatment of post-war trauma
psychological treatment of children with major amputations
Psychological treatment of women who have suffered violence
Importance of extracurricular activities for children
Contact techniques and simulations of talk-sessions with women who have suffered violence
The importance of being included in a group to overcome the trauma: the exemple of Atma’s women's center
Practical training
Practical lessons in contact with the children of the orphanage of Reyhanli
The original goal (improving the healt and social workers skills in the treatment of the minors victim of the war) was reached with the application, in the orphanage and  in psychological support centres, of the techniques learned during the courses. There was an improvement in the psychological condition of the children of the orphanage and of Al Nour centre managed by Maram Foundation. 0 course participants have been included in psychological support activities in facilities in the region
Activity 7
Training course in mediation / conciliation
Identification and involvement of civil society representatives to be trained and to whom an important role in the community was going to be recognized 
Recollection of the “good practices” of mediation already existing in the local community
Detailed planning activity, based on academic studies and integrated with the “good practices” above
Implementation of structured training activities in the field of negotiation and addressed to the selected physicians and educators. Theorical lessons, RPG, basics of law.
During these activities the students also had to write short texts (as letters) in Arabic and/or English, with a suitable style for the seek of agreements.
mentoring activities and verification of the results to be evaluated together with the local community
Improvement of relations within civil society. Greater responsibility of women in business administration
The implementation of training courses and the opening of a tailoring workshop produced an improvement of socio-economic conditions of the area, thanks, most of all, to the active involvement of women, whose personal growth was encouraged and whose quality of life was improved. The direct management of the profits arising from the micro-entrepreneurship activity permitted the launch of the first bases of independent economic activities. The experience of the training courses has found great interest in the international community by providing a winning formula for women empowerment of women and the search for new funding.



Dispatching of humanitarian convoys to the Atma camp

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Beneficiaries: Children of Atma - People of Idlib and Aleppo

Cities / Region involved: Atma, Idlib, Aleppo

Period: April 2013 - ongoing

Sources of funding: Private donations

Project Status: on going

Sebastiano Nino Fezza and @uxilia launched an initiative to support Atma children. Atma was a field of olive trees where people escaping from Idlib had found shelter. Today 14.000 refugees are living there, 3.600 are children and among them 900 newborns. There’s no presence of international associations, everything is based on volunteering and on spontaneous and uneven donations. 

Tents too come from donations, there’s not a real mobile kitchen but just a small tent where only one warm meal per day can be provided. There’s no hospital, but only an infirmary in a tent. There’s no electricity nor running water, so that each family must fill their own tank from the tank trucks which are brought there. There are 4 toilet facilities to serve the whole camp. Children suffer because of the inadequate hygienic conditions: cases of scabies, lice and intestinal infections have been reported. 

Atma stands in the inner part of Syria: it should have been a “transit camp”, but it has actually grown bigger and it keeps growing. At first, the refugees’ journey stopped in this camp just until someone found them another place to stay, beyond the border. Nowadays, also considering the huge number of refugees, there’s an attempt to keep their entries and their following.



First Convoy

Second Convoy

Third Convoy

Fourth Convoy

Fifth Convoy

Sixth Convoy

Volunteers Activities

Winter Emergency

One morning in Duino for Syiria

Subscribe to Facebook Group Insieme for Syria

Micro-entrepreneurship project “Love Scarves”



Beneficiaries: Refugee Camp of Atma.

Cities / Regions involved: Atma

PeriodOctober2013 - ongoing

Sources of funding: Entrepreneurs Italian textile field, Private donations

Total cost for 2013: more than 13.500 euros

Project Status: ongoing

It’s a micro-entrepreneurship project, developed with the help of Italian entrepreneurs who belong to the textile field. Its aim is to help women to develop a small activity in order to give them the chance to perceive an earning. We provided the Female Centre in Atma with about 100 Kilos of wool, and we devised a scarf model that can be manufactured by women themselves using a special stitch called the Love Knot. We decided to use this particular stitch to represent the link which can connect Italian women to the Syrian ones.

When we visited the refugee camp in Atma, we had the chance to meet the women attending the Female Centre. Thanks to our humanitarian convoy, we could also bring them wool and other yarns as a donation from Domenico Basile to increase small businesses within the camp. Increasing small businesses is an idea we are developing together with Maram Foundation, willing to make the refugee camp financially independent. This way, what’s now a passive camp can turn itself into an active community that works, and not only lives on the aid coming from abroad. With this new initiative we are mainly addressing women and those small female activities which can be carried out at home, in a tent. Activities that can help employing one’s own time, make the winter pass, and can also be useful to sustain one’s own children. A small stitching work that we will do together with them, a crocheted scarf that we will name “The Love Scarf”. Everyone will use the same stitch, called “the love knot”, which has been chosen as a symbol to represent the endless wire of love and hope connecting us all. Both the works manufactured in Italy and those produced in Atma will be then sold in local and Christmas markets, the proceeds will be used to provide aid and assistance to Syrian children, women and men. The activity, started in the Atma refugee camp, has now also developed in the cities of Homs, Daraa and Aleppo. Italian women too are manufacturing “The Love Scarves”, this way giving help to Syrian women.





Situation in the Country



Capital: Damascus.
Area: 185 180 sq km
Population: 20,410,606
Ethnic groups: Arab 89.3%, Kurdish 9%, Armenian 1.7%.
Religion: Sunni Muslim 74%, other Muslims 13%, Christian 10%.
Mortality rate: 3.67 deaths in 1000.
Life expectancy: 74.92 years (72.53 Males, females 77.45).
GDP per capital: $ 3,289.06.
Population poverty: more than 50%.

Syria has lived for two years in a state of civil war that affects all areas of the country. The armed conflict is between opposing government forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and many armed groups.

The conflict began with a simple demonstration of March 15, 2011, which has resulted in arrests and expanded on a national basis. The protests calling for the establishment of a democratic regime have transformed into continuous and bloody clashes. The conflict has switched from a small arms conflict to one that has seen the use of more and more heavy artillery and now has grown to the stage of a general civil war. Today there are approximately 120,000 deaths of which half are children. One of the tragedies of this war is the large number of refugees. Some of these have reached neighboring countries like Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey. The number of refugees registered by UNHCR reached 2,000,000 people, most of them women and children. The refugees live in makeshift shelters found along the way, sometimes the stables of animals or makeshift camps. The organized camps that receive the support of international associations are outside the country.
The intervention of Auxilia in Syria comes from the need to help the victims of a conflict that has lasted for more than two years. The initiative was created to bring aid to the refugee children in the region of Idlib. The area in which it was decided to intervene is the border between Turkey and Syria, Syrian territory in this region is not reached by the aid of the international associations. After careful evaluation of the situation on the ground with the presence of our staff we have highlighted the most obvious criteria related to the displacement of large groups of people by the conflict. The sudden abandonment of their homes, removal of their habits, work and general lives in addition to the physical discomfort has caused great psychological distress. The greatest suffering was found in children with deep psychological trauma. The intervention of Auxilia is aimed to restore some stability to the population of the area of Idlib and Atma. Offering services to women and children who were in their countries prior to the armed conflict and this has happened by bringing basic necessities, creating an educational environment in the schools that can engage children, trying to reinstate teachers who before the war worked in the field and bringing them back to teach in the school, providing a medical point of reference in case of need without making long trips and giving women the opportunity to economically provide for their families doing activities of micro entrepreneurship. The intervention has restored security to the population of the area while also reducing the sense of abandonment given by the continuity and timing of displacement.
After the start of the conflict Auxilia monitored day-to-day evolution of the situation in the Syrian conflict. The attention has been focused on the situation of civilians and children in particular. Thanks to our contacts within the country, we followed the movement of the population towards the Jordanian border into Iraq and into Turkey. We have identified in the border crossing area of  Bab Al Hawa a particularly difficult situation with many spontaneous camps that were born outdoors. With the closure of the border Turkish transit camps have become permanent camps. The area of Atma in Syrian territory had met the first refugees who lived under the olive trees, outdoors, without means. The aid we had sent come through the Syrian Mezzaluna Rossa and later by humanitarian organizations working in the country, Watan, IHH and finally Maram Foundation. The field presented has significant problems: lack of water, lack of adequate sanitation, lack of food, lack of tents, and lack of international organizations. In the six months in which we have followed the evolution of Atma its population has grown from 4,000 to 25,000 people. The situation was hastened by the arrival of winter when it is passed through a phase of monitoring the preparation and organization of humanitarian intervention and the targeted delivery of humanitarian convoys.




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