Under Construction


An outline

Auxilia onlus is founded on the Law of 11 August 1991 n. 266 “Law on voluntary work” (Published on G.U. 22 August 1991 n. 196) and is guaranteed by Italian Government with two agreements with the Ministry of Justice ( stipulated with the Department of Juvenile Justice) and the Ministry of the Interiors (stipulated with the Department of Immigrations)

The legal seat of Auxilia is in via Carrarian. 99 – Cividale del Friuli (UD) cap. 33043 – Italy – and the mains operatives seats are: Milano, via Bramante n. 35; Trieste, via Pigafetta n. 1; Novara, via M. Ariolo n. 10/12; Torino, San Mauro Torinese, via 25 Aprile 76/A; Napoli, via Blundo n. 56; Afragola (Napoli), via Salvatore Quasimodo n. 24; Palermo, piazzale De Gasperi n. 29; Venezia, Fossalta di Portogruaro, Centro Sociale via I . Nievo n. 7; Cagliari, via Zara n. 5; Roma, via Machiavelli n. 60; Bologna, p/o Istituzione G.F. Minguzzi, via Sant’Isaia n. 90.

Contacts: Auxilia onlus     
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." style="color: #808080; text-decoration: initial; font-size: small; line-height: normal;">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." style="color: #808080; text-decoration: initial; font-size: small; line-height: normal;">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
tel. 347 6719909    fax. 0432701465
Auxiliachildren e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." style="color: #808080; text-decoration: initial; font-size: small; line-height: normal;">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
 tel. 331 6333260 Altri dati utili    C.F. 90106360325


Auxilia onlus aims are:

1) promoting and developing activities in defence of the rights of children, elderly persons, immigrants, families and all the persons that are at a disadvantage or in social difficulties;

2) promoting ways and initiatives in roles to favour the growth of culture, solidarity, social spirit, stimulating forms of participation from organizations and single persons;

3) organizing and realizing meetings, congress, shows, performances, musicals, videos, films, documentaries books, monographs in order to awaken public opinion to social, sanitary, educational and pedagogic problems;

4) promoting socio-relief, educational and sanitary activities  to support and cooperate with developing countries;

5) realizing researches and analysis of social problems looking for possible solutions of the problems;

6) make in relationship many voluntary associations, public and private structures, agents and media.

Who we are

Onlus Auxilia is an independent non party association that carries on an intense voluntary relief activity in an educational and sanitary field; it protects and promotes human rights particularly for children in zones that have been affected by wars, emergencies and natural disasters. For this purpose it avails of personal voluntary and free services its supporters.
Auxilia is a non lucrative organization of social utility and common good. It is an actual, permanent member in national voluntary service. The association in vouched by the Italian Government with two agreements with  the Department of Justice (Department of Juvenile Justice) and with the Ministry of the Interior (department of Immigration).
Together with Auxilia Children the association runs numerous sanitary projects both therapeutic (AIDS, malaria, Leishmaniosi) and structural with the building of orphan-asylums, schools and hospitals, in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, India, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Somalia, Palestina, Malawi.
Auxilia has many agreements with other associations that have the same aims and purposes within the activities of international cooperation, the partnership with SPES (Solidarity for education to Development) has allowed to reach high levels thanks to the distribution of jobs and strengths mostly in the years 2005 – 2008.
Nowadays the collaboration continues even if projects, organization and execution of works are almost completely charged on Auxilia onlus.


International Cooperation


Cooperazione internazionale


La cooperazione internazionale costituisce il tentativo delle società con maggiori risorse di instaurare con quelle più svantaggiate rapporti basati sullo scambio reciproco, sulla collaborazione e sulla solidarietà.


Questo si concretizza attraverso il sostegno ed il finanziamento di attività e progetti di sviluppo che tendano a migliorare le condizioni di vita delle popolazioni.


Sin dalla sua costituzione, nel Luglio del 2004, @uxilia onlus coordina e gestisce diversi progetti di cooperazione internazionale avvalendosi della collaborazione di diversi partner locali, della croce rossa, di SPES (Solidarietà per l'educazione allo sviluppo), della mezza luna rossa, della cooperazione italiana ministero affari esteri, dell’istituto internazionale dei diritti umani e del ministero di giustizia.




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